Ink Editor

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This editor requires you to log in in order to view and change the preferences and settings related to your installations:

Your Ink Installations

This list shows the installations registered to your user, click one to view/edit it:

Currently new installations can only be registered on request.

Installation Name


  • Book Library
  • Appearance
  • Installation Settings
  • Blog Settings
Log Out

Edit Book "New Book (8)"

Title of the Book
This name is displayed in lists in this editor so that it is easy to find this book again later.
Book Activation Image
This image will be shown momentarily behind the text when a book is picked up. It has to be in PNG format and have a transparent background to look good.
Book Activation Sound URL
This sound will play once when a book is activated by interacting with its corresponding interaction device. If left blank no sound will play. It must be in the WAV file format - also known as PCM audio - for example a stereo 16bit 44.1kHz .wav-file.
Sentence Variation Sound Loop URLs
These sounds will keep looping as long as one of the sentence variations for this book are selected. If left blank no sound will play. It must be in the WAV file format - also known as PCM audio - for example a stereo 16bit 44.1kHz .wav-file.
Sentences in the Book
NumberVariation #1Variation #...Options
Each line represents a text entry in the book - each column in that line represents variations of that entry. Empty fields/rows are removed when you save. The number of variations for a line does not have to be the same for each line.

Add a Book to "New Untitled Piece"

You are about to add a book to this piece. You can select to re-use any of the previous books that you have made or to create an entirely new book:

Select existing book

  • Eragon
  • There and Back again

Create New

Edit Piece "New Untitled Piece (2)"

Name of Piece
This name is displayed in lists in this editor so that it is easy to find this piece again later.
Print Template
You can use the following keywords to automatically insert additional information into the text:
  • %text% - The poem text
  • %pieceTitle% - The title of the piece
  • %bookTitle% - The title of the first book used to write with
  • %blogUrl% - The url to the blog
  • %start timecodes% - The start time formatted as timecodes
  • %end timecodes% - The end time formatted as timecodes
Time codes:
Letter Date or Time Component Examples
G Era designator AD
y Year 1996; 96
Y Week year 2009; 09
M Month in year July; Jul; 07
w Week in year 27
W Week in month 2
D Day in year 189
d Day in month 10
F Day of week in month 2
E Day name in week Tuesday; Tue
u Day number of week (1 = Monday, ..., 7 = Sunday) 1
a Am/pm marker PM
H Hour in day (0-23) 0
k Hour in day (1-24) 24
K Hour in am/pm (0-11) 0
h Hour in am/pm (1-12) 12
m Minute in hour 30
s Second in minute 55
S Millisecond 978
z Time zone Pacific Standard Time; PST; GMT-08:00
Z Time zone -0800
X Time zone -08; -0800; -08:00

It is also possible to use some simple HTML tags and inline CSS to style the output of the print.
Blog Title Template
You can use the same keywords as in the print template
Locale setting
The locale to use when formatting dates, for example if danish is choosen then the months will be in danish
Background Sound Loop URL
This background sound will be looped continously while the piece is running. If left blank no sound will play. It must be in the WAV file format - also known as PCM audio - for example a stereo 16bit 44.1kHz .wav-file.
A piece consists of a number of books, typically 3, each containing a number of sentences with variations, again typically 3, that can be activated through the use of the interaction devices connected to
. Here you select which books you would like to include in this piece. The books are used in the order in this list - so the first interaction device corresponds to the first book and so on.
NumberBook TitleOptions
You should not add more books than the number of available interaction devices.
Book start location
Book NumberX-PositionY-Position
The start location of the different books when they are activated by a user

Book Library

Here you can configure the text that is displayed in the Ink installation. It is possible to switch between multiple different setups fairly easily by building a "Piece" (a collection of books) for each setup. For example you can have a piece consisting of 3 books and another piece where the 3 books are translated into another language - when on tour you can then switch between these two pieces depending on the local spoken language.

Ink automatically updates to your selected settings when it starts if internet is available to it at that time.

Currently Active Piece
List of other Pieces
Piece NameOptions
The Jungle Books

Removing a piece does not remove the books that it contains, you can create a new piece and select the old books to get them back

Visual Appearance

You can configure Ink to look just like you want it to with CSS stylesheet technology. The system comes with a set of default styles that you can use. If you require a fully custom look you can add your own stylesheet on top of one of the default ones.

Base Style
Custom CSS URL
The URL typically ends with a filename that has the suffix ".css"

Please note that the custom stylesheet must be on a publicly reachable URL since it is downloaded by the Ink installation when it starts.

Installation Settings

Ink can be tweaked with different settings to make it just perfect for your installation

Print pause
The number of seconds the transition from completed poem to next round takes.
Text snap distance
The distance text needs to be within to snap to the paper
Wait between texts
The number of seconds to wait before a new line of text can appear when one has just reached the paper
Text movement speed
The speed that text can be moved across the screen
Finished poem length
The number of letters that constitutes a complete poem
Repeat bug probability
The fraction chance that the text placed on the paper repeats itself a couple of times.
Section probability increment
The fraction chance increase that a new section is created when text is placed on the paper
Word fountain size
The number of words to be part of the background word fountain
Background sound gain
The gain level of the background sound clip
Pantoum Form
If the poem should be written in pantoum form
Binary glitch chance
How high chance each sentence has of glitching to a binary representation every second
Binary glitch duration
How many milliseconds the glitch will last
Linebreak after period
After each text is placed on the paper, insert a line break if the text ends with a period.
Linebreak on new book
When a new book is used to place text on the paper, insert a line break
Lowercase all letters
Make all text lowercase

Blog Settings

Ink can post all the generated text to an online WordPress-based blog. In order to enable this functionality you must request a so called "XMLRPC key" from the blog and enter it here along with the address of the blog.

Enable Blog Posting
Blog URL
The URL to your wordpress blog.
Blog User
Username to be used when posting on the blog.
Blog Password
Password that corresponds to the given username.

Access your installation


Starting upload...